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 Brad Von Arthur (announcer)

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The Sound
The Sound

Posts : 476
Join date : 2011-09-18
Age : 30
Location : Porsgrunn, Norway

Brad Von Arthur (announcer) Empty
PostSubject: Brad Von Arthur (announcer)   Brad Von Arthur (announcer) EmptyWed Sep 21, 2011 8:44 am

Brad Von Arthur (announcer) ImagesqtbnANd9GcSJ_Wm5o6YIqbx-v7Rs3BKenJ4PxEeoIGrsXTv9olKiLYu7BfLHxQ

Name: Brad Von Arthur
Heel/Face: Face
from: Huston Texas

Wild and enthusiastic, got a tendency to give Wrestlers more Nicknames thant they actually have, the best way to get the crowd really hot before the match is y having Brads characteristic Voice heard all around the arena.
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Brad Von Arthur (announcer)
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