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 possibly new IB Host

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Charlie London

Charlie London

Posts : 65
Join date : 2011-10-31
Age : 32
Location : Mexico City

possibly new IB Host Empty
PostSubject: possibly new IB Host   possibly new IB Host EmptyMon Jan 30, 2012 12:29 am

possibly new IB Host Jack-Black

Name Anthony Watson
Place Of Birth Santa Monica California
Date Of Birth August the 20th of 1969
Face/Heel Baby Face

Anthony or Tony like people call him was an Singer and a comedian he grew up in the 70's always entretaing people with jokes and songs in the 90's he became one of the most respected and funniest man alive on earth now that his days has passed he doesn't do sitcoms or Stand ups but he don't want to give the mics and Cameras just yet he want to be the new Host of IB always entretaing people with jokes and songs
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Charlie London

Charlie London

Posts : 65
Join date : 2011-10-31
Age : 32
Location : Mexico City

possibly new IB Host Empty
PostSubject: Re: possibly new IB Host   possibly new IB Host EmptyMon Jan 30, 2012 12:31 am

With employees like this and the other ones everybody will want to work here dance
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possibly new IB Host
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