Global Wrestling Alliance
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Global Wrestling Alliance

a forum for the TWG fed GWA
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 Welcome to Global Wrestling Alliance

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The Sound
The Sound

Posts : 476
Join date : 2011-09-18
Age : 30
Location : Porsgrunn, Norway

Welcome to Global Wrestling Alliance Empty
PostSubject: Welcome to Global Wrestling Alliance   Welcome to Global Wrestling Alliance EmptyMon Sep 19, 2011 12:10 pm

Welcome to Global Wrestling Academy, we are a RP based fed, said in other words, if you don't RP you won't win a single match.

If you do RP but your opponent RPs better than you there will probably be no victory for you either, the reason I got this rule is to put over those who RP good and get everyone to do their best while RPing of course if everyone involved in the match agrees we can always change the matches do to story line.

GWA also got something I have chosen to call the Global Wrestling League check out the topic in the introduction to see what that is all about.

GWA will also run something I have chosen to call the New player initiative, this is is shown through the under 25 Global championship witch is for players with a game age under 25. You can read more about it in the title section of the forum

I will also urge anyone to use the chat, as that is the best place to find ppl to feud with, set up RPs and just have a good time with the others

Well you got to sign up and start working on getting settled at the forum, if you need any help don't hesitate to contact me or any of the VGMs.

Sound out Very Happy
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